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Give your building a sleek, modern look while also saving money by replacing the standard commercial windows with energy-efficient windows. Whether you need new commercial window installation or commercial window replacement, upgrade to energy-efficient windows.

Energy-efficient windows improve your building’s resale value, require less maintenance, and reduce its heating and cooling costs. They also look great, make your building more comfortable, and even help the environment. These benefits will also make finding and keeping tenants easier.

Keep reading to learn how energy-efficient window replacement can benefit your building now — and your bottom line in the future.

What are Energy-Efficient Commercial Windows?

Energy-efficient windows differ from regular commercial windows. They contain two or three panes of glazed glass instead of just one.

Energy-efficient windows help your building stay cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. They reduce your heating and cooling costs by keeping the temperature in your building at a comfortable level. The extra panes of glass greatly reduce how much heat can pass through the window.

Energy-efficient windows come with a variety of frames and finishes. For example, your energy-efficient windows could have vinyl frames and mirrored surfaces or wooden frames with simple glare-reducing glaze.

Windows do not have to be tinted to reduce heat transfer. They can still be fully transparent.

The Long-Term Value of Energy-Efficient Commercial Windows

Don’t let the upfront costs of energy-efficient windows scare you off an intelligent decision. Energy-efficient commercial window installation is an investment that pays off over time.

Upfront Costs of Energy-Efficient Commercial Windows

The upfront costs of any commercial window installation or replacement will vary depending on the size of your building and its windows, including energy efficiency windows. Big office buildings with lots of big windows will cost more than a small, single storefront. The materials you choose for windows will also affect the cost. For example, windows with wooden frames will cost more than windows with vinyl frames.

An individual energy-efficient window can range in cost from about $200 up to $1,000, depending on the size of the window. You’ll also have to pay for the installation. Larger and more difficult installations will take longer and thus cost more in labor hours.

For a more accurate price estimate, contact Cook Builders for a bid on your project.

Monthly and Annual Energy Savings

The savings in energy costs you can expect after installing energy-efficient windows will also depend on the size of your building. The location, orientation, and facade of your facility will also play a significant role. You also have various window options. Each will affect the reduction in your energy consumption to different degrees.

Generally, energy-efficient windows can help reduce your energy costs by about five to fifteen percent. In some extreme cases, savings may reach up to 40 percent. So, if your monthly heating and cooling costs are $1,000 per month before replacing your single pane windows, you could save about $100 per month after your commercial window replacement.

At this rate of savings, you could expect the return on investment for your energy-efficient windows to take several years. However, they also add permanent value to your building.

Value Added to Your Building

Buildings with energy-efficient windows receive higher valuations. Installing energy-efficient windows could increase the value of your building by as much as eight percent in some cases.

Higher valuations mean you have a larger asset in your portfolio. You can rent your building for higher prices or sell it for a bigger profit.

How long do energy-efficient windows last?

Energy-efficient window warranties commonly last 20 years, but the windows themselves may last up to 40 years or more. Your energy-efficient windows should pay for themselves before you need to upgrade them again.

Is There Anything Unique About Energy-Efficient Commercial Window Installation?

Commercial installation of energy-efficiency windows differs from residential installation.

Commercial buildings tend to need much larger windows. They often need many more windows and glass doors too. The large scale of the windows and the facilities can require special installation techniques that require professional gear. Many commercial window installations include precarious positioning on the outside of tall buildings. They may require the use of large-scale scaffolding or cranes.

The added challenges of installing energy-efficient windows to commercial buildings mean you need an experienced and prepared construction team, like Cook Builders.

The commercial construction experts at Cook Builders have all the skills and equipment needed to handle your energy-efficient commercial window installation or replacement.

Get a Bid on Your Energy-Efficient Commercial Window Installation.

Commercial window installation is just the tip of the iceberg at Cook Builders. Our team at Cook Builders is full of experts in a diverse array of skills to fulfill any of your commercial real estate construction and repair needs. From planning and permits to remodels and post-occupancy support, we can help you with all your commercial real estate construction and contracting needs across various industries. Find out how the experts at Cook can help with your commercial construction project. Contact Cook Builders today!